Who are the Knight's of Council #5845?

The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization started in 1882 by a parish priest, Father Michael McGivney. The Knights are an active group of men who focus on Faith and Charity.

Bishop Verot Council meets twice a month. Our first meeting is the monthly business meeting. Only Knights with a current membership card may attend the business meeting. The second meeting is a planning and social meeting and all are invited to attend.

Charity • Unity • Fraternity • Patriotism

The principals of the KofC are Charity, Fraternity, Unity and Patriotism. We support our priests and bishops. The Knights Council at HNJ supports several Parish ministries such as Youth Activities, Vacation Bible School, scholarships to HNJ school and Melbourne Central Catholic, Haiti Mission, Habitat for Humanity and the Parish Endowment Fund. Additionally, we support many charities outside of the Parish such as Pregnancy Outreach, Genesis House and the Daily Bread.

We have a monthly Rosary on the first Friday of each month. During the year we work on several projects to raise money for our charities. We sell Christmas trees, prepare fish dinners during Lent. The Knights support Parish seminarians with stipends of $500 a year. We are currently supporting three seminarians from our Parish.